Crafty Creators Link Party #8

Welcome to Crafty Creators Link Party, where you can share all of your wonderful crafts, DIYs, fashion, recipes, or any other thing that makes your heart happy! After you link up, I’d love it if you’d spread the word about the party!

Crafty Creators Link Party features graphic for March 3

This Week on the Blog

First up, I shared this set of free printable wall art for St. Patrick’s Day. They are the perfect quick and easy home decor for the holiday. Simply print, frame, and hang or display on tabletops! There are five pages. I used four on my living room gallery wall.

When I picked up the shamrock wreath forms for my burlap shamrock wreath, I got another one because Dollar Tree is running out of everything so fast. I grabbed a St. Patrick’s Day scarf while I was there and made this cute shamrock wreath. You can make one for under $3!

Finally, I teamed up with a group of talented bloggers for a monthly blog hop called the Sustainable Pinterest Challenge. The theme this month was floral, and I needed a new spring wreath. So, to fulfill both needs, I made a floral bike wheel wreath. Check out the tutorial to make your own gorgeous wreath for spring. You can pick up the wreath form from Dollar Tree or use an actual bike tire.

Floral bike wheel wreath featured image

I have some spring free printables on the way along with some great tutorials, so make sure you follow me on social media using the buttons in the sidebar so you don’t miss it. If you’d like to be featured on next week’s party, you must be following me on one of the platforms. You can leave a comment at the end of the post to let me know what platform you’re following if you’re a new follower. Enter your email address below to get an email when I add a new post (like the printables), including new link parties, so you never forget to join us!

This Week’s Features

Crafty Creators Link Party features graphic for March 3

Anabelia from Anabelia Handmade shared two tutorials in one of her posts that she linked up with us. The puffy flowers are just adorable. Then she shared the pattern for the coasters and table set. I think those are just beautiful! It’s so worth the visit to her site!

Penny from Penny’s Vintage Home gave her metal barn a makeover and it turned out so cute! In the post she tells us how she periodically changes it into a new building. This month it is a flower market to match her spring tablescape and dining room. I’m so impressed with her ideas on how to do it.

Living on the Coast in a city that very much does Mardi Gras, I had to share at least one Mardi Gras post. Penny from Penny’s Passion shared a tablescape perfect for Fat Tuesday. She set it up for a girls’ weekend. How fun does that sound?!

Becky from The Vixen’s Den made this beautiful children’s table customized with chalk paint. I absolutely love the seascape with Psalm 93:4 on it. Yes, His love is mightier than the waves of the sea! Check out her post to see a step-by-step tutorial on how she did it.

I can’t sew, but this scissor pouch tutorial was too cute to pass up. Helen from Hello Sewing shared the free pattern on her site, so make sure you go pin it! They are perfect for back to school, teachers’ gifts, and gifts for your crafty friends.

If you were featured, grab your “I was featured” button to display on your blog! Just right click on the image and choose “Save Image As,” then add it to your site. You can add a link back to the blog with the image if you’d like. I would really appreciate it. One day I’ll figure out how to create a code with the link embedded in the button.

Crafty Creators Link Party I was featured button
Crafty Creators Link Party mock-up.

I’m so happy that you’re here, whether you’re here to share your latest blog posts, to be inspired be the creativity of bloggers around the world, or both. I can’t wait to see all of the wonderful things that are shared here. You can link up to five family-friendly posts. Since the blog is new, you’re free to share anything you like. New, old, link parties, giveaways, anything as long as it’s not offensive. That may change as the link party grows, but for now, have at it! Remember to visit a few other posts before you or peruse and visit a few that spark your interest. It’s not required, but I would love for you to share a link to the party or my blog in your post or somewhere on your blog.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

I have set up a Pinterest board where I will be pinning all of our featured posts. Make sure to follow it! I will be sharing our featured posts across my social media accounts, and I would love for you to use the buttons in the sidebar to follow me. I will follow back if you let me know you did. If you’re following me on social media, I tag you in the posts when I share them!

Be sure to come back Sun-Thurs to link up on Happiness is Homemade! It is open for today (Thursday). You can find all of my latest link parties on the Link Parties page. Follow me via email so that you get an email notification when I upload a new tutorial, free printable, or a link party and you never forget to link up!

14 thoughts on “Crafty Creators Link Party #8

  1. Niki,
    Good Morning!!
    Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Thank You!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  2. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with #40 WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE DINNER IN THE SKY? and #41 A STORMY NIGHT. If you get a chance, drop by and check out some of my linkup parties.

  3. Thank you so much for hosting this party, Niki! What a pleasant surprise to see my scissors pouch featured. I appreciate it so much! It’s so wonderful to be able to join in on the fun. So much inspiration here!

    1. You’re welcome. I love the pouch. It’s just adorable! It’ll be shared across my social media as well, and I’ll try to tag you.

  4. Thanks so much for the party Niki! Great features and so many fun projects of your own! Thanks again and have a great week ahead!

I'd love to hear what you think! Leave me a comment below!